.out will print all logs related to your java application deployed whereas .log file will print all logs related to weblogic server like startup.stop,deployment etc....
.out will have standard shell output where the instance was started and it will have mostly Notice and above log level will be written on it. .log will have the server logs along with all sub system logs too.
Java application will write logs on .out only if the app code redirects .logs to standard output, there are many logging mechanism are available like loc4j which can be used to write the java application logs to different/ separate files.
.out will have standard shell output where the instance was started and it will have mostly Notice and above log level will be written on it. .log will have the server logs along with all sub system logs too.
Java application will write logs on .out only if the app code redirects .logs to standard output, there are many logging mechanism are available like loc4j which can be used to write the java application logs to different/ separate files.